Something I'm passionate about is helping people who have been through very difficult things - loss, illness, change, trauma - not only survive those things but use them to learn and grow. Sometimes it's the experiences we never would have chosen for ourselves that become the doorways into creating the life we always wanted.
Clients tell me they appreciate my combination of an authentic, warm, low-key style with my ability to think through issues creatively and incisively getting right to the heart of what is important. These things together with being trained in evidence-based modalities like EMDR and CBT often help clients reach a place of more peace, freedom, and empowerment in life.
B.S. Psychology, Duke University
MSSW, UT Arlington
Relevant Experience
support groups for people with cancer & their care partners
bereavement support & educational groups
hospice social work
individual therapy for those with a diagnosis of HIV
intensive outpatient drug rehab
managed support & educational program for early stage dementia
research (neuroscience, Alzheimers)
Finally, I'm passionate about art and the role creative expression has in growth and healing. I've led groups based on the book The Artists Way by Julia Cameron. I am a musician, poet, painter and photographer and I took all the photos on this site.